Tropical Update – Aug 29, 2013


Despite the chilling nexus of Labor Day weekend, Hurricane season and the start of SEC football, the tropics remain quiet. A vigorous wave just rolling off the coast of Africa has only short term potential for development before being violated by the dry, dusty Saharan air layer within 72 hours. Not exactly a tape on the windows threat.

The Inter-tropical Convergence Zone just north of the equator, courtesy of all things Coriolis, shows only disorganized convection near two weak easterly waves with no potential for development over the long weekend.

A persistent upper level low (500mb for the weather cognoscenti) south of Florida has been exhibiting ominous cyclonic rotation the past 2-3 days, but has not translated down to the surface. This feature slowly washes out in 72 hours, no harm no foul.

Mark Malsick
Severe Weather Liaison
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources