Wilmington Fishing & Outdoors
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Craig Williams Secures World Record with a 10-pound Snubnose Pompano
On October 12, 2024, Craig Williams achieved a remarkable feat by landing a 4.62-kilogram (10-pound, 3-ounce) snubnose pompano while fishing in Dampier, Australia. This impressive catch earned him the IGFA Men’s 3-kg (6 lb.) Line Class World Record for the species. The pompano was enticed by Craig's crab fly, and after a brief battle, he successfully landed the fish. Craig then recorded its weight on his certified scale before safely releasing it back into the water.Feb 1st, 2025Ladies Drum Up Action In The Louisiana Marsh
Redfish and black drum are thick in the Louisiana marshes all year, but the season for the monsters runs from September to January, when big fish move from offshore into the marsh following migrating baitfish. When the baitfish show up inshore, the big fish won’t be far behind.Jan 30th, 2025BragboardShare Your Photo
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