When it comes to fishing the Mosquito Lagoon this month, the best advice I can give is to get on the water early. Launching before sunup is a good ploy throughout the summer months. This becomes especially important for me from July through September. Except for actually fishing at night the first few hours of the day are our only escape from the seasonal heat. I’m fine with sacrificing a little sleep if it means I can have a shot at the redfish and gator trout while they are still actively feeding.Brevard EditionJun 28th, 2014
Fishing is in full swing in the Mosquito Lagoon with plenty of redfish and trout action. Black drum are still showing, though not as abundantly as earlier in the season. Ladyfish and juvenile tarpon are on the prowl but not always in the same locations and the jacks are soon to arrive. Brevard EditionMay 1st, 2014
Why do I like April? Because April and the months following offer some of the best fishing of the year. Stable weather patterns with moderate temperatures virtually assure active, hungry fish! Brevard EditionMar 24th, 2014
Fishing in the Mosquito Lagoon should be HOT in March if for no other reason than it's been HOT almost all winter. Yes, there have been a few days where fishing has been less than stellar, but that is fishing; it happens!Brevard EditionFeb 25th, 2014
We’re still catching fish! Don’t give up simply because of the cold. Titusville area conditions yesterday 1-22-14 were cold and … Brevard EditionJan 23rd, 2014
Happy New Year Gang! The South Mosquito Lagoon has been giving anglers good to great fishing through the first half of December. Brevard EditionDec 27th, 2013
As December brings 2013 to a close I’m expecting a productive month for Mosquito Lagoon anglers. Unless winter comes early we can look forward to fairly stable conditions and active redfish, black drum and spotted seatrout on the shallows.Brevard EditionNov 25th, 2013