I’m expecting high, dirty water through November in the south ‘goon. Not only is this typical in November, but we … Brevard - Mark WrightNov 17th, 2015
Kingfish, that’s what I am talking about! This is the time of year for the kings to be moving in close to shore for the bait fish in the water. It’s time to get the stinger rigs ready and plenty of wire leaders. Make sure your reels have plenty of line on them, if not, replace it because you never can tell when that 60lb king is going to take the bait. Brevard - Capt Douglas KaskaOct 2nd, 2015
Thank goodness for fall. I always get a little pep in my step this time of year, and it’s not for the reason most Floridians would think.Capt. AlexOct 2nd, 2015
The heat did me in again this summer but, I still got to the beach on several mornings. Early and late was the tactic during September and it produced a snook dinner or two. Live mullet and plugs caught snook and the standard pompano rig caught whiting and croakers. Brevard - John DetmerOct 2nd, 2015
Snook season has been good despite the excessive rain and dirty water we have had this summer. October is a great month for several inshore species. Snook, redfish, trout, tarpon, jacks sharks are all inshore, in the inlet and near shore along the beaches.Brevard - Capt Glyn AustinOct 2nd, 2015
The summer shrimping season is winding down (Daytona is dead). This just means to lower your expectations but don’t retire your nets. South Daytona fell apart in August after Central Florida was hit with several days of torrential rains. The shrimp that was caught in Flagler were bait size and the juice has not been worth the squeeze. However, Central Floridians make lemonade by heading further North to both Welaka and Paletka mopping up 5 gallon buckets in record time (under 3 hours, 2 anglers). The popular places being Green Cove City pier, East side of Turkey Island (Welaka) and Palatka (Condo’s). Anglers are reporting going home with solid mediums (after culling out smalls) with 20% of large sizes mixed in. Welaka averaging 15 – 30 a pull, and Condo’s averaging 50 -60 a pull during the 20 minute slack tide. The key thing I am hearing is the shrimp have been consistently pushing off the bottom at SLACK tide at the Condo’s. Where are these Condo’s? From Deland, take US 17 North past Crescent City to Pomonda Park, left at stoplight on to 308-B (takes you to ramp). Head South from ramp 1 mile to the Condo’s. The drive may be 2 hours or less, but well worth the trip! Melbourne still reporting “heart”, meaning they invest a lot of time and effort and go home with a shrimp cocktail for one. We are noting anglers are pulling out their winter shrimp gear anticipatingBrevard - Capt LeenogaOct 1st, 2015