Port Canaveral Fishing Report: April 2015

Cobia may still be a good possibility around the Canaveral waters this month. The run as of mid-March had been … Mar 29th, 2015

Banana River Fishing Report: April 2015

Angler are hoping that sea grass returns to the flats in this body of water. Last spring we had a … Mar 29th, 2015

N. Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report: April 2015

I’m asked on a regular basis what time of year offers our best fishing for redfish and other shallow water … Mar 29th, 2015

Shrimp Report: April 2015

April is a working month as many of us in Volusia County scramble to fill our shrimp freezers. We are … Mar 29th, 2015

Port Canaveral Fishing Report: February 2015

The fishing in and around the Port area will be very dependent on the water temperatures this month. If we have a typical winter- anglers can expect weakfish, pompano, whiting, and sheepshead to provide them with some action. These species will provide a good variety of quality eating fillets in exchange for soaking a piece of shrimp on the bottom of the various port basins. The pompano and whiting are likely to strike small jigs tipped with shrimp in the surf zones or along the deeper drop offs between the entrance of the port and the middle basin area. The sheepshead are fond of structure and will be around dock pilings and rocks throughout the port. Small pieces of shrimp or small crabs and sand fleas are their favorite things to munch on. Put these on a short shank heavy wire hook so you have a chance at pulling these tough fighting fish away from the structures that they call home. Weakfish are a visitor to the Canaveral area each winter and the main shipping channel is one place that anglers can target them. These fish look like speckled trout but have dashes instead of spots on their sides. They prefer to suspend 5 to 10 feet above the bottom on most days and live shrimp or soft plastic jig tails can be very effective offerings when they are schooling in the channel area. These fish tend to group in better numbers if we get an exceptionally cold winter, but they can be found on most days in February no matter what type of winter we have. If this winter is warmer than usual anglers could find tripletail near floating debris or buoys in the area known as the Bight.Feb 1st, 2015

Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report: February 2014

Deeper section of this body of water are going to be the best areas to target speckled trout and black drum if we get our usual cold temperatures this month. Residential canals, dredge holes and areas near causeway bridges that span this lagoon are fantastic places to search for these fish as well. Redfish will also seek refuge from cold temps in the deeper areas, but usually move right back out onto the flats once the sun start to warm them after each frontal passage. Cut baits, live shrimp and small cast-able lures generally work on these cold water reds. If the weather is warmer this year than what we normally get in February, anglers may find the trout and redfish on the flats looking for small crustaceansandminnowstoeat. Captain Jim RossFeb 1st, 2015

Surf Fishing Report: February 2015

anuary was a good month for those who got out and braved the weather fronts. Pompano and black drum showed up with whiting and blues mixed in for a good run of surf fishing. Sand fleas were present on the beaches from Cocoa Beach to Sebastian Inlet. One day I watched a fellow catch a 5 gallon bucket of sand fleas in about 2 hours just by walking up and down the beach and catching them as he went along. There will come a time this winter when anglers will be willing to trade a good rod and reel for a cupful of sand fleas.Feb 1st, 2015

North Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report: February 2015

Well, it appears as winter has us in its hold with low water levels and cold water temperatures. Predictably, cold fronts are moving through on a fairly regular basis. The regularity of these fronts helps take the guesswork out of planning our excursions onto the shallows!Feb 1st, 2015

Sebastian Inlet Fishing Report: 1/2/2015

We ended 2014 on a strong note. The daytime, live bait, snook bite has been good in Sebastian Inlet due … Jan 3rd, 2015

Sebastian Inlet to Eau Gallie Fishing Report: January 2014

Last January the flounder bite was better in January than earlier because the colder temps pushed them in Sebastian Inlet. This winter has been similar to last year so anglers should expect the flounder to be moving around the same time. Fish with live finger mullet on a short 20lb leader and a sliding sinker just heavy enough to keep the bait on the bottom. Fish near the channel edges or on the edges of the rocks along the shoreline on the north and south sides of the inlet. Anglers wanting to jig for flounder can use a 1/2oz to 3/4oz bucktail or soft plastic bait with a paddle tail with a filet of mullet or pinfish. Jig the sandy bottom in the inlet to pick up good numbers of flounder in January. Dec 30th, 2014