Well let's see what I can talk about, I know FISHING. As I am writing this the winds are blowing hard and the seas are rough. Brevard - Capt Douglas KaskaFeb 25th, 2014
Warming waters and a major change to the spring wind and weather patterns should increase catches for the March surf anglers.Brevard - John DetmerFeb 25th, 2014
We have two months every year when I expect the wind to blow and blow and blow some more; November and March. Every so often we have a year when the expected does not occur and I’m hopeful this March will be kind to us.Brevard EditionFeb 25th, 2014
Fishing in the Mosquito Lagoon should be HOT in March if for no other reason than it's been HOT almost all winter. Yes, there have been a few days where fishing has been less than stellar, but that is fishing; it happens!Brevard EditionFeb 25th, 2014
Of the many different seasonal and resident fisheries' that are available to us here, tops on my list is the catch-and-release spring, speckled sea trout. Capt. AlexFeb 25th, 2014
Speckled trout will begin to take up residence on shallow flats where schools of mullet have gathered. Larger trout in the 4 to 8 pound range will strike topwater lures that imitate an injured mullet on most mornings. captjimrossFeb 24th, 2014
Yes, you guessed it, March Madness is here so bring on the cobia! This is the historic time frame here on the central east coast that the migration of cobia swim by us. Although we catch them all year long, this is usually the best time. Brevard - Chris CameronFeb 24th, 2014
The water has warmed considerably over the last two weeks. The bite is still strong in the inlet and just outside the inlet for Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel and Jack Crevalle and the bite for Pompano has slowed down a bit. Brevard - Capt Glyn AustinFeb 21st, 2014
Offshore bottom and wrecks have been really good last week. use live croakers and pins for best results. this coming … Brevard - Chris CameronFeb 14th, 2014