Latest in Fishing & Outdoors


A Passion for Life and Fishing

The legendary fisherman was tragically taken from us when his single-engine, kit plane crashed into a field off the runway just after takeoff.

Are Past Sailfish Conservation Efforts Now Paying Dividends For The Bahamas?

Growing up and fishing in South Florida, I remember seeing old photos of proud anglers, and while driving down A1A to the charter boat docks, seeing sailfish hanging upside down on the catch-board back at the docks.

Blue, Black or Yellowfin Tuna: Pick Your Color!

By Will Cathey: January through March off the Outer Banks of North Carolina offers anglers a chance to catch bluefin, …

Practical Fishing Attire

When you’re trying to be as stealthy as possible, a brightly-colored fishing outfit will have fish darting for cover.

Wintertime Blues?

January in the Gulf of Mexico signals the beginning of the giant redfish migration from the deeper gulf waters into the marshy flats

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Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).

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Dry Tortugas Are a Hidden Jewel

The seven small islands that make up the Dry Tortugas lie 70 miles due west of Key West, a fisherman’s and naturalist’s paradise. These are hidden jewels.

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Speargun Loading Tips

It’s not uncommon to struggle with speargun loading, you may think they made the bands too short. If you give it time & use the right method, it's easy.

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That GOAT’s Six Million Dollar Boat!

Lets take a look at Tom Brady's Six Million Dollar Yacht

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