Freshwater Fishing

Browse our collection of freshwater fishing articles, tips and advice from seasoned authors and various stories on the fresh waters.

Latest in Freshwater Fishing

Spinner-Rigged Soft Plastics

For pretty much every bass angler, the plastic worm is a mainstay. When it comes down to it, there may be no more effective, versatile lure on the market. Texas rigged, wacky-style, Carolina rigged, drop-shot, no matter the conditions there is a soft-plastic application that will catch bass.

Tennessee Stripers at the Fort Loudon Dam

Most of us North Carolina anglers are used to catching stripers that range in weight from 5 to 8 pounds. Just a few hours west at the Fort Loudon Dam, which forms part of the Tennessee River system, you can catch 25 to 30 pound fish at the base of the dam this time of year.

Win Prizes For Releasing Huge Bass

The state recently launched a new website to better facilitate its TrophyCatch largemouth bass conservation program. The Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) program is an incentive-based conservation program designed for anglers who catch and release largemouths heavier than 8 pounds in Florida. There are three different tiers and two bonus categories offering the opportunity to win prizes.

Artificial or Bait Fishing?

I have guided fishing trips for trout, bass and carp since 1994 using both bait and artificial lures or flies. There is no doubt in my mind that by using bait there is a much higher risk of mortality on the fish compared to artificial fishing practices. For some species and fisheries, bait is necessary, but since 1997 I have upheld a personal commitment to guide strictly artificial after seeing the negative impacts on our precious sport fish. Living by example as a guide and angler will hopefully send a message to future anglers.

Avoid Killing Summertime Trout

Summertime in the South is tough on trout. Unfortunately, I received a reminder of this recently when a rainbow in the 20-inch class died in my hands after I’d spent more than 20 minutes trying to revive it.

California Spotted Bass Is A World Record

In February, Keith Bryan caught a 10.48-pound spotted bass from New Melones Reservoir in California. Recently, he received word that his fish has been declared the new IGFA all-tackle world record for the species as well as the 8-pound-test line class record.

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Rod Actions for Coastal Fishing

Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.

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