From Left Field

As I sit down, many hours’ deliberation over this yet-unwritten column later, it’s not hard to imagine almost every one … Mar 29th, 2015

Out of Exile

It had been blowing, NE 15 to 20, sustained but not crazy, for over 24 hours when the captain called … Mar 1st, 2015

The Littlest Anglers Shore Up the Fishing Future

I have watched a great many dads try, with mixed results, to introduce a great many sons and daughters to our beloved sport. I have shared in the high-fives of some resounding successes—father- son or –daughter trips that have marked fortuitous beginnings to fishing partnerships bridging family generations. You haven’t seen fishing excitement until you’ve watched a 7-year-old boy lifting a bass up on the shoulder of his new winter jacket and running a dozen victory laps around the cockpit, the fish’s bloody tail dragging on the deck.Feb 1st, 2015