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More Rhode Island Fishing Reports

Solid Night Tuna Bite, Fishtails to the Dip

Ready or not, it’s Labor Day weekend, and whatever else has gone on in this bizarro season to end all bizarre seasons, this is the time to @#$% or hop off the proverbial pot. Whatever has supposedly been running late, if it’s not here now, smart money says it’s probably not coming (obvious exception the things we typically don’t see until September, like albies, tautog, etc.). Aug 29th, 2014

Bigeyes on the Prowl At Atlantis

I’m struggling to fight off the growing suspicion that this is going to be one of those seasons when things come crashing down much earlier than usual—and much earlier than many of us suspect.Aug 22nd, 2014

Westerly Duo Best Monster Wahoo

Mike Wade at Watch Hill Outfitters was out slinging kayaks, spooling reels, eating lunch, salting bait, ordering plugs, directing traffic, playing an accordion, recording a book on tape, leading a guided meditation to help a depressed scup access repressed memories, baking tomorrow’s doughnuts, and doing all the other things involved in running a modern bait and tackle establishment when I called Friday afternoon.Aug 15th, 2014

Fluke, Stripers, Sea Bass, Blues, Bluefins Hot off BI’s South Side

Right out of nowhere, the heat and humidity came down like a hammer almost the second it turned August, and suddenly, the three-weeks-behind theorists are beginning to concede that we’re on schedule after all. The good news is that we’re much nearer to August one than to September one, and there’s still plenty of prime angling opportunity ahead. Aug 9th, 2014

Fluke, Stripers, Sea Bass, Blues, Bluefins Hot off BI’s South Side

At the risk of further bludgeoning a very dead personal horse, I can’t help but think that all these weeks of rock-steady fluke and striper fishing over at Block Island have given some of us a false sense of security about how much time we actually have to get in on this world-class fishing.Aug 1st, 2014

High-Summer Cod Catching Excellent At Coxes

We are now heading into a point in the season when the only way to maintain a good catch rate is to work harder at it, to expand your tactical repertoire, and to seek out the advise of the sharpest guys who will actually give you the time of day. There’s no reason to accept diminishing returns because someone said we’re in the summer “doldrums.”Jul 25th, 2014
Rhode Island Fishing Report

Cow Bass Parade Continues at Block Island—But No 100-Pounders…

I’ve been around this racket long enough to have learned the hard way not to dismiss even the most seemingly asinine rumor. The fact is, people catch obscenely huge fish of all species at the strangest of times in the strangest of places, year after year after year.Jul 18th, 2014

Weekly RI Fishing Report: 7/11/2014

The storm last weekend came up well short of the early media uproar—we saw precious little wind, and groundswell on the low end of average by tropical-low standards—but the unsettled weather, very heavy rains, and also the tumultuous weather patterns than came on in the wake of the big offshore low seem to have had a significant cumulative impact on most of our local fisheries. Jul 11th, 2014

Weekly RI Fishing Report: 7/4/2014

Unsettled Weather Throws Wrench In the Works for Fourth Fishing Plans I’m used to penning tropical-storm-inspired caveats and disclaimers in … Jul 4th, 2014

Weekly RI Fishing Report: 6/27/2014

After what has amounted to a fair hiatus, courtesy of a trip to a wedding up in Juneau, AK, some turbo-injected jetlag, and then Eastern-Fire-Drill conditions late last, we’re back in the saddle on these weekly reports. It has been an eventful two weeks, during which striped bass, flukew, tuna, and shark fishing all went from about 2 knots to 40 knots—a doubtful outlook as of the first week of June turned wide-open fisheries per the climatic norm here in intermittently sunny and tropical South County, RI.Jun 27th, 2014