In Defense of the Fighting Blues, Coastal Angler News and More… Those fighting bluefish, the catch we love to hate. … Lisa Helme DanforthOct 28th, 2015
October 14, 2015 was a great day for Tim Nguyen of New London, CT. The official CT âtog season opened with a bang for Tim and the all aboard the Seabeam last week when Tim landed a Connecticut State record tautog, or blackfish. Lisa Helme DanforthOct 20th, 2015
Anglers looking to both fill the freezer and enjoy some thrills while bottom fishing this time of year need look no further than the waters surrounding Block Island. During October, black sea bass set up on just about every mussel hump, rock pile and wreck in these fabled waters.Tom SchlichterSep 19th, 2015
It might be saidâand no doubt has been by droves of writers wiser than Iâthat the relationships with those we love most are always our most complicated. Iâd extend that idea to places as well: Myriad factors of timingâour age, life circumstances, wisdom (or lack thereof), our impulses, our financial means and/or liabilities have much to do with the way we imprint and store memories and construct personal meaning.Zach HarveySep 19th, 2015
July and August have flown by. Mike is now rocking a new set of hips (we call
him Lee Majors), our second daughter is happily married to a great guy (weâve moved from the âBrady Bunchâ to âEight is Enoughâ with two awesome new sons in law) and our fishing travels have ranged from home-base to salmon fishing in Alaska and freshwater fishing in Maine. Lisa Helme DanforthSep 1st, 2015
Salmon... King, Silver, Red, Chum and Pink. Halibut as big as we are We had these tasty fish on the brain as we headed to Knutsen Cove Marina in Ketchikan, Alaska to meet with our charter captain and crew. Lisa Helme DanforthSep 1st, 2015