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All Rhode Island & Connecticut Stories

Out with the Gloom: Have More Fun, I Catch More Fish

I remember staggering into the local all-night diner almost every single Sunday morning—from as early as 5 a.m. to as … Aug 1st, 2015

Publisher’s Note: August 2015

As the fishing moves East and really rocks and rolls, we want to take a minute to thank you, our … Aug 1st, 2015


Readers of Coastal Angler are no strangers to cHarissa, “the super spice that’s good on everything.” In fact, we covered … Aug 1st, 2015

RI Fishing Report: 7/31/2015

Tog Opens 8/1; B.I. Bass Explodes off SW Corner “…There are not enough adjectives in the English language to properly … Jul 31st, 2015

RI Fishing Report: 7/24/2015

Mystery Meat Trolling Good In Shipping Lanes “I got him right in the lip—you know, the corner of its mouth….” … Jul 24th, 2015

RI Fishing Report: 7/17/2015

It has been a craptacular week in the ole weather department—yet again. You can hang current highlights from all corners of the rod-and-reel fishery on any one or five of the almost infinite number of variables affecting fishing success. Like our psychotic new weather patterns, or the multifaceted, longer-frequency turmoil we call “climate change.” Jul 17th, 2015

RI Fishing Report: 7/10/2015

One of the things I have always loved about the Ocean State’s fishing community is how tightly it is bound together by forces of habit, tradition, and camaraderie—to say nothing of the “small world” phenomenon, the impossibility of crossing more than two degrees of separation between any two RI fishermen. Jul 10th, 2015

Bring on summer and the tournaments, and listen for us on The Fishing Line!

Tournament season is here! Coastal Angler Magazines in the Northeast are Proud to be the official media partners of the … Jul 3rd, 2015

Release ‘Em Right

With the new one-fish bag in place and significant improvement in our striper success of late, I want to examine briefly the technical aspects of releasing striped bass in good fighting condition—it’s straightforward when you’re shooing away 21-inchers, but gets trickier when the stripers you’re liberating scale 30 or 50 pounds.Jul 3rd, 2015

Target Summer Stripers

By the time mid-July rolls ‘round on the calendar, stripers at most New York ports have settled into their summer … Jul 3rd, 2015