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All Rhode Island & Connecticut Stories


There’s nothing like a fresh start and the arrival of a fresh new fishing season affords an opportunity to review … Mar 1st, 2015

Sea to Table: Surf with a Little Turf

Behold the cod. Known by a variety of monikers including “baccala,” “Mr. Whiskers,” and the “Winter King,” this species is … Mar 1st, 2015

Dream Catching: The Finer Points of Fishing Afar

You will frequently find “Bucket List” features in this modest regional section of your local Coastal Angler. Typically, these destination-angling pieces look at one specific port or a combination of place and timing—a specific fishery, that is, whether it’s spring cod on Stellwagen Bank (north of Cape Cod), the jig-and-pop, run-and-gun bluefin tuna fishery east or southeast of Chatham, fall surfcasting at Montauk, summer bass at Block Island.Feb 1st, 2015

Destination Florida: Set Your Hooks on the Paradise Coast

Heading south for a little rest, relaxation and fishing? This tourist haven has everything you’ll need. Battling codfish on a windy ocean or hauling perch through the ice with featherweight outfits and miniscule jigs can be a lot of fun, but nothing beats back winter’s chill like a soul-warming journey south. While there isn’t anything wrong with making the best out of what Mother Nature has to offer here on Long Island during the frigid season, you just can’t beat the heat – especially if you head to a fish laden oasis like Florida’s Paradise Coast.Feb 1st, 2015

Sticking Points for a New Season

Fishing isn’t rocket science. Make plans now to follow these basic rules for bigger fish and more smiles in the year ahead. Feb 1st, 2015

Bucket List: Boatan Island, Honduras

Black Marlin. Wahoo. We had big game fish on the brain as we headed into port to meet with our charter captain and crew. Our guide, Diane, met us at the pier to whisk us through the crowd. After a 10 minute drive across the island we arrived at the West End. The West End is a peaceful area of small family run hotels, restaurants and dive shops, and the jump off place for the best charter fishing. Sitting on the southern edge of the Mesoamerican Reef, Roatan offers world-class fishing close to shore. You troll for tuna and wahoo 100 yards off-shore in 300 feet of water, and can get into 1,000 feet of water just one-half mile off shore.Feb 1st, 2015

The Littlest Anglers Shore Up the Fishing Future

I have watched a great many dads try, with mixed results, to introduce a great many sons and daughters to our beloved sport. I have shared in the high-fives of some resounding successes—father- son or –daughter trips that have marked fortuitous beginnings to fishing partnerships bridging family generations. You haven’t seen fishing excitement until you’ve watched a 7-year-old boy lifting a bass up on the shoulder of his new winter jacket and running a dozen victory laps around the cockpit, the fish’s bloody tail dragging on the deck.Feb 1st, 2015

Waiting for the schoolies, thrills in Honduras, a year in the trenches and more…

Last month marks the second full year of publication for Coastal Angler Magazine Rhode Island. It’s been two great years of good fun, great seafood, and growth for us. We’ve added editorial staff, nurtured a small but growing band of advertisers and our paid subscribers list is growing. So, thanks for everything to you, our readers, and our team on the ground that make it all work. Keep those cards, letters and FaceBook posts coming!Feb 1st, 2015


North Atlantic sea scallops can be fished commercially by trawling or dredging year- round, but the gold standard on many … Feb 1st, 2015

Welcome to the Show

Welcome to the second year of the New Providence Boat Show! We are so excited for you to see the … Dec 30th, 2014