If you keep your wits about you, you can take back many days your buddies lose to the Weather Gods. If the onset of September does one thing to our fishing, it ups the ante on our ability to predict and capitalize on fishable weather.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 27th, 2014
It’s the second half of the fishing season and time to start targeting bonito and false albacore. Last year few false albacore were around but local anglers caught their share of bonito.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 27th, 2014
I’m struggling to fight off the growing suspicion that this is going to be one of those seasons when things come crashing down much earlier than usual—and much earlier than many of us suspect.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 22nd, 2014
Mike Wade at Watch Hill Outfitters was out slinging kayaks, spooling reels, eating lunch, salting bait, ordering plugs, directing traffic, playing an accordion, recording a book on tape, leading a guided meditation to help a depressed scup access repressed memories, baking tomorrow’s doughnuts, and doing all the other things involved in running a modern bait and tackle establishment when I called Friday afternoon.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 15th, 2014
CAM owner and Publisher Mike Danforth responded with gusto (and shrieks) while stepping up to the Ice Bucket Challenge. made … Lisa Helme DanforthAug 14th, 2014
Right out of nowhere, the heat and humidity came down like a hammer almost the second it turned August, and suddenly, the three-weeks-behind theorists are beginning to concede that we’re on schedule after all. The good news is that we’re much nearer to August one than to September one, and there’s still plenty of prime angling opportunity ahead. Lisa Helme DanforthAug 9th, 2014
We heard you. Since launching Coastal Angler Magazine Rhode Island in March, we have had great input from readers and advertisers on the sharp local content by Zach Harvey, Dave Monte, Tom Schlichter, our local captains and fishing club members, delicious Sea-to-Table recipes by my friend Julia Molino, and so much more.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 1st, 2014
At the risk of further bludgeoning a very dead personal horse, I can’t help but think that all these weeks of rock-steady fluke and striper fishing over at Block Island have given some of us a false sense of security about how much time we actually have to get in on this world-class fishing.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 1st, 2014
And measurements there were – Len Greiner’s team on Magellan took top honors with the two biggest Monster Sharks – porbeagles at 430 lbs and 378 lbs, caught on Friday and Saturday up East. Second place was taken by the able team of the Karen Jean II with another porbeagle at 356 lbs.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 1st, 2014
There's no rational explanation for it, but in most of my canyon fishing time, I’ve always felt like the place we set up just before sunset was a completely different place than the one I saw the following morning. Something always changes in the night. The sleep deprivation takes hold and the wrists and lower back burn in the wake of 10 hours behind the chum ladle. The place, I guess, is the same.Lisa Helme DanforthAug 1st, 2014