We all know our Indian River Lagoon is going through some tough times with algae blooms, seagrass die-off and fish kills. You may find … Brevard EditionJul 6th, 2016
Port Canaveral to Sebastian Inlet surf anglers are catching fish. Whiting, ladyfish, Spanish mackerel, blues and bonnethead sharks are close to shore and feeding on bait schools of Spanish Anchovies. Fishbites, shrimp and clams are the select baits currently and are producing all along our Coast. With the arrival of the summer months the surf angler will have to share the beach's. Schools will be out and families/visitors will be using the beaches daily to swim, sun, jog or just stroll. Below are some of my survival tactics for summer time surf fishing.Brevard - John DetmerJul 6th, 2016
Strong southerly winds in the beginning of May have helped to push some better quality water northward from the Sebastian are into this portion of our lagoon system.captjimrossJul 6th, 2016