North IRL Fishing Report: July 2014

July’s heat came early this year with some days in the low 90 degree range during June’s first week. This translated into very warm waters in our region. Still, our waters in the North Indian River Lagoon remain, for the most part, clear. I’m hopeful, though not confident; the brown algae blooms of the past few summers may have run its course. While I know the brown algae isn’t completely gone from our lagoon system I’ve only seen a few isolated pockets of the dirty smelly crud so far this season. Jun 28th, 2014

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report: July 2014

When it comes to fishing the Mosquito Lagoon this month, the best advice I can give is to get on the water early. Launching before sunup is a good ploy throughout the summer months. This becomes especially important for me from July through September. Except for actually fishing at night the first few hours of the day are our only escape from the seasonal heat. I’m fine with sacrificing a little sleep if it means I can have a shot at the redfish and gator trout while they are still actively feeding.Jun 28th, 2014

Central Florida Shrimp Report: July 2014

Summer is upon us and winter shrimping is merely a topic of reminiscing over a cold beer. Volusia County in Oak Hill is still giving up shrimp albeit mixed sizes, its sobering to see so many boats still on the river chasing. North Brevard and Titusville pier have been torture, frustration and punishing for those trying to compare last years smack down to where they stand in this moment. Jun 28th, 2014

Brevard Kayak Forecast – June 2014

As June settles into the Space Coast, it should bring calm winds and the humidity-laden days that lead to afternoon thunderstorms.Jun 1st, 2014

Shrimp Report: June 2014

Summer has marched right in bringing warmer water temperatures and sea breeze afternoon showers. Jun 1st, 2014

Sebastian Inlet Offshore Fishing Report: June 2014

I can only ask one question, how was the grouper sandwich?Jun 1st, 2014

Sebastian Inlet to Eau Gallie Fishing Report: June 2014

The winds and cold fronts have continued through May and hopefully we will finally get some calm weather like we are used to in June.Jun 1st, 2014

Surf Fishing Report: June 2014

May turned out to be better than projected for the surf anglers.Jun 1st, 2014

Canaveral Inshore Fishing Report: June 2014

It’s tarpon time!!! Get your arms ready and your back in shape, because you’re going to have to do some serious pulling to land one of these giant silver fish.Jun 1st, 2014

Banana River Lagoon Report: June 2014

Redfish and trout action continues to be good this month for anglers using live fingerling mullet or Rapala Skitterwalk top water plugs during early morning periods before the water on the flats get too hot.Jun 1st, 2014