Surf Fishing Forecast: May 2015

April had everything that this surf angler could ask for and more. Calm seas, warm/clear water, shifting winds, sunny days … May 1st, 2015

Surf Fishing Report: February 2015

anuary was a good month for those who got out and braved the weather fronts. Pompano and black drum showed up with whiting and blues mixed in for a good run of surf fishing. Sand fleas were present on the beaches from Cocoa Beach to Sebastian Inlet. One day I watched a fellow catch a 5 gallon bucket of sand fleas in about 2 hours just by walking up and down the beach and catching them as he went along. There will come a time this winter when anglers will be willing to trade a good rod and reel for a cupful of sand fleas.Feb 1st, 2015

Brevard Surf Fishing Report: January 2014

Welcome to January and a brand new year of surf fishing the Brevard County Coastline. I am expecting good catches of pompano and bluefish during this month punctuated by a number of cold fronts. I do think the January fishing will be much different from Decembers’ in weather or surf fishing conditions. Watch for the cold fronts coming through followed by warming periods. If you can track the fronts you can be a successful angler during this time. Anglers fishing before and after the fronts manage to take home many fish dinners.Dec 30th, 2014

Surf Fishing Report: December 2014

It appears that almost every month this year I have written a glowing report on surf fishing. I am either in a rut or 2014 surf fishing will go down in the history books as one of the better years for surf anglers. I would suggest that is a fact and many think it’s going to get even better this winter. Surf Fishing has improved in each of the last three/four months and here we are in December already. My information and that of the local surf angler is very much the same. We all concur that November was top notch with catches of Spanish mackerel, bluefish, early pompano and whiting. Sand fleas littered the beaches and in a size that allowed many to stock up on this pompano favorite.Dec 1st, 2014

Surf Fishing Report: June 2014

May turned out to be better than projected for the surf anglers.Jun 1st, 2014

Brevard Surf Fishing Forecast: May 2014

May is a transitional month into summer and also the start of the Annual Sea Turtle Nesting Season (May 1st to October 31st) along the Brevard County Beaches. This is a special time when the surf anglers, joggers/walkers, visitors, and families can see nature at its best. Loggerhead, Green and Leatherback Sea Turtles come ashore and lay their eggs where we fish and play. As the season progresses, one will be able to stand on just about any Brevard County Beach Crossover and count the number of sea turtles that have come ashore the previous night by their tracks in the sand. May 1st, 2014

Brevard Surf Fishing Report: April 2014

This is no “April Fool’s Joke” there are fish in our Brevard County Surf. Reports from March confirm that the fishing is picking up from Cocoa Beach to Sebastian Inlet. Catches of whiting, pompano, drum, jacks and sheepshead have been reported at the tackle shops along the beach. With all the beach restoration projects this winter it has been hard to find clean water on any number of the southern beaches. Now that the beach restoration projects are coming to an end there is less silt in the water and disturbance from heavy equipment along the shoreline. More and more beaches have clean water and with the dominate April weather pattern (calm westerly winds) our surf fishing should improve greatly. Mar 24th, 2014

Surf Fishing Forecast: March 2014

Warming waters and a major change to the spring wind and weather patterns should increase catches for the March surf anglers.Feb 25th, 2014

February Surf Fishing Forecast

I keep hearing that the surf fishing is not as good as it was in years past on our beaches. Well the last part of January and into February that has not been my experience. Feb 2nd, 2014

Surf Fishing Forecast: Jan 2014

Happy New Year 2014 and welcome to the outstanding surf fishing that the New Year offers on our Space Coast Beaches. This is the time of the year that brings new challenges to the surf angler in the form of cold fronts and northeast winds.Dec 27th, 2013