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Species of the Month: Striped Bass
Striped bass are an anadromous species native to the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico but have been introduced to the Pacific and numerous freshwater bodies of water, particularly in the South and Mid-west. Striped bass spend their adult lives in saltwater but move into freshwater systems to spawn. When it was discovered that they could survive and adapt to freshwater bodies many wildlife management agencies began stocking the species in reservoirs for recreational purposes and to control baitfish populations that boomed under these man-made conditions. Few freshwater systems are conducive to successful striper spawns; annual stocking is required to maintain these populations.PICK UP THE GAUNTLET
Fishermen tend to trip and stumble in a rut. Their focus appears to lock in on a limited number of species working the same spots outing after outing and relying on the same basic tackle and bait. Call it a comfort zone in which they eventually become proficient. The thought of expanding their horizons in terms of tackle used or additional species sought seldom motivates them to pick up the gauntlet of other challenges.The Adventure
When you get to Cabo all you can think about is those monster marlin. It’s 5:30 in the morning. Charles, my son and I are heading to the boat where our crew is waiting for us. The fleet name is SINDICATE SPORTTFISHING. My crew is very professional. The captain is Angel and the first mate is Julio. We picked up ten live bait fish and off we went. We put out the outriggers with two big Griz skirted lures, one red and black and the other bright green and yellow. Then we set the two inside lures. One was blue with a white belly and the other squid color. In the shot gun long line we put a dead bait fish. Now we were ready. It was Charles’ turn. Charles has been wanting a marlin over 500 lbs for a long time, but remember, he is only fifteen.Fish Early, Fish Late
Well, summer is in full swing and it’s time to fish. You ask yourself, what is the best way to maximize my time on the water? My tried and true plan is to schedule trips so they start just before sun up or during the last couple of hours before sundown. While it is possible to catch fish, especially those in shallow water, during the middle of the day, I have found it a lot more productive to start or end in the dark.Polarized Sunglasses: The Most Important Tool for Catching Fish
The variety of polarized lens colors choices can prove confusing to the uninitiated so here are a few guidelines when selecting your glasses.Sunglasses Spell Fishing Success
We hear more and more from doctors about the necessity of using sunglasses, hats and sunscreen to protect us from French-frying our skin while searching for big fish.Redfish Capital of the World
Most of the readers out there have heard that Venice, La. is the redfish capitol of the world. Yes I know that there are redfish in every coastal spot in Louisiana. I have fished in most areas and caught reds in all of them. However, Venice, La. is at the mouth of the largest River in the country. This River brings tons of nutrients south and deposits them in and around the River Delta. These nutrients feed the organisms that feed the small fish. This starts the “food chain” that leads to the red fish and up to the “bull reds”.Be Prepared for the Unexpected… Especially on Your Birthday
Tony and Brian have fished with me a handful of times over the last year and have always had extremely good luck. This trip would make no exception.Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament
On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).Dry Tortugas Are a Hidden Jewel
The seven small islands that make up the Dry Tortugas lie 70 miles due west of Key West, a fisherman’s and naturalist’s paradise. These are hidden jewels.Speargun Loading Tips
It’s not uncommon to struggle with speargun loading, you may think they made the bands too short. If you give it time & use the right method, it's easy.Your Franchise Opportunity is a Phone Call Away LEARN MORE