Fly Fishing

Everything on fly fishing, fly casting, fly lure & bait advise, tips and features found here and brought to you by our expert anglers.

Latest in Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing

Understanding Tides: Rising And Falling Tides Equal Better Fishing

I remember as a small boy fishing off the beach and noticing that once the water along the beach began to churn, I began catching fish.
Fly Fishing

Adding Depth to a Sinking Fly

More often than not, when fishing in deeper water, it is critical to get your fly to a proper depth in the water column.
deer hair

Nothing Says Love Like Tightly Spun Deer Hair

This month, millions of anglers will flood the nation’s outlets and malls in search of the perfect gift to give their fishing brethren. Those stores certainly won’t disappoint, with isles full of the latest and greatest tackle to flood the market.

A Southerner goes Swinging for Steelhead

Growing up in the South, fly fishing for me has always been predominantly about largemouth bass, bluegill, shoal bass, striped …
Conway Bowman

Tips for the Traveling Fly Angler

Many fly anglers festoon their vests with useless stuff bearing the marks of disuse: dull scissors, moth-eaten woolen fly patches, and rusted hemostats.
colorado river

First-Time Float down the Colorado River

By: Brian Rich Just a few weeks ahead of our family vacation, my brother, my Dad and I booked a …

Fly Spotlight

Fly of the Month: Conner’s Nutter Butter

The Nutter Butter is a great pattern that falls toward the natural color palette, featuring mostly tans and browns and natural material like coyote fur. Something I have noticed is these subtle colors can draw a strike when brighter colors will not, making streamers like the Nutter Butter a staple for any streamer fisher’s box.

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