Fly Fishing

Everything on fly fishing, fly casting, fly lure & bait advise, tips and features found here and brought to you by our expert anglers.

Latest in Fly Fishing

The Two Handed Strip

In saltwater fly-fishing there are many situations where the fly needs move as quickly as possible through the water to spark the interest of a game fish.

Bow, Tip and Roll a Tarpon

Spring/Summer time is big tarpon time for saltwater fly rodders! No matter if you’re casting the fly to giant river tarpon in Belize or migrating tarpon in the Keys the best way to subdue these monsters is to “Bow, Tip and Roll.”

2013 Southern Classic Musky Weekend

Deep through the heart of Middle Tennessee flow numerous rivers that comprise some of the finest bastions of southern muskies. They prowl timber, weed beds, sand bars and ledges, looking to ambush every other species that swims in (and on) the same waters, causing anglers to fumble with their line and turn jittery as their massive silhouettes rise from nowhere behind a well-thrown fly.

Fly Fishing for Brook Trout in the Presidential Range

Presidential Range, brook trout often seem to appear out of nowhere to attack a muddler. Even trout as small as two or three inches have voraciously pounced upon my drifting muddler. Although other flies will catch trout in these frigid waters, nothing, in my experience, works nearly as well.

Choosing the Best Material for a Wire Leader

When you fly fish in saltwater, there will be times when you will be dealing with a toothy critter, namely the barracuda, the shark, the needle fish, the Sierra mackerel, or numerous other fish sporting sharp “ivories” capable of severing the heaviest monofilament and fluorocarbon leaders. It is the savvy saltwater fly fisherman who has learned to attach a bite-proof tippet to his fly line.

Fly Fishing for Striped Marlin

Fly Fishing for Striped Marlin, Cabo San Lucas Mexico from Hopper-Stone Outfitters on Vimeo. [easy-social-share]

Fly Spotlight

Fly of the Month: Conner’s Nutter Butter

The Nutter Butter is a great pattern that falls toward the natural color palette, featuring mostly tans and browns and natural material like coyote fur. Something I have noticed is these subtle colors can draw a strike when brighter colors will not, making streamers like the Nutter Butter a staple for any streamer fisher’s box.

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