Fly Fishing

Everything on fly fishing, fly casting, fly lure & bait advise, tips and features found here and brought to you by our expert anglers.

Latest in Fly Fishing

Essential Items For A Saltwater Fly-Fishing Trip

Packing for a fishing trip can be frustrating. Here are a few items I always carry when traveling that usually come in handy.

Make Every Second Count

You can invest lots of time and money into your pursuit of fish. As long as you learn something each time you go, you’ll be a better angler the next time.
Trout Streams

Explore The Trout Streams Of Western North Carolina

Explore The Trout Streams Of Western North Carolina By TAM Staff The Tuckaseegee River rises from a series of high …
Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing North Georgia – This has it all!

If I didn’t tell you at the beginning of the article where I was today, you might think I had …

Lease Program Expands River Access For Anglers

Photo By Dennis Hamilton Lease Program Expands River Access For Anglers By CAM Staff Texas has embarked on a program …
Fly Fishing School

Fly Fishing School

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters Fly Fishing School Is Nov. 21 Want to learn the basics of fly fishing from a professional …

Fly Spotlight

Fly of the Month: Conner’s Nutter Butter

The Nutter Butter is a great pattern that falls toward the natural color palette, featuring mostly tans and browns and natural material like coyote fur. Something I have noticed is these subtle colors can draw a strike when brighter colors will not, making streamers like the Nutter Butter a staple for any streamer fisher’s box.

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