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All Rhode Island & Connecticut Stories

Ocean State Cod Fish & Chips

With Cod being caught off Point Judith and St. Paddy’s Day just around the corner, many Rhodys will be celebrating with some of our fresh-from-the-sea fish & chips and our famous local brews. We asked around and got a few favorites to share with you...but first...for authentic fish & chips, even some anglers don’t know that cod is the way to go!Mar 5th, 2014

The Surprise Guest in Newport Harbor

Taking advantage of a surprise day off last July from his day job with Capt BJ of Flippin’Out Charters, our friend Greg and his good friend Phil Duckett headed out onto the waters off Newport. The winds were projected to be light out of the South so they decided to take Greg's (very) small 14' aluminum and head just North inside of the Newport Bridge. The plan was to chunk up some mid-summer Bass. The pre-dawn bite had been good and they already had a mix of 15Mar 2nd, 2014

Back in the Game: The Seasonal Reset

Back in June, 2012—June 11, around 8:30 a.m., Rhode Island Hospital, to be exact—I underwent full reconstructive surgery on my left foot, a decision that ultimately cleaned me right off deck and benched me for the better part of a year and a half. This last season, my foot still working at about 50 percent of its “normal” capacity, I could easily have jumped back into fishing but somehow couldn’t face the idea of setting foot on a deck without the possibility of work- ing it. My weathered Guy Cotten oilers hung at the head of the basement steps looking sullen, I thought, and my rods gathered a gritty sheen of dust in their designated racks overhead. Somehow, this whole ordeal—the sudden pros- pect of facing a new relationship with my gear and familiar decks — put a gut-level fear in me, a fear that I might have ruined fishing for myself, that I might have fucked the whole thing up beyond repair through too many years doing it full-tilt. Mar 2nd, 2014

Magnuson, 2014: Now’s the Time to Right the Massive Wrongs of ‘07

Okay kids, pull up a seat and a tall glass of Cyanide Chill Kool Aid, and Uncle Haddock will tell you a story about the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. What? No, not that Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act — not the one from 1976. Uncle Haddock’s story is about the reauthorized bill that cleared Congress in 2007 — c’mon, it’ll be fun... Hey, wait, where’s every body going? Don’t you want some Kool Aid?!Mar 2nd, 2014

Navigating the Show

As CEO of the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association (RIMTA), I have the privilege of working in the marine industry and going to a lot of boat shows. I am always excited to see new boats and the latest gear and bump into friends from the industry. Jan 27th, 2014

Use This Show For All It’s Worth

In the interest of full disclosure, I admit that my writing career has landed me at a great many local and national boat shows in a great many booths over well more than a decade—often back-to-back-to-back shows in what amounted to 30- or 40-consecutive-work-day marathons that left me comatose.Jan 27th, 2014

What to do in Providence

Rhode Island is called the Ocean State, a perfect place for a show celebrating all things aquatic. But more than our scenic coastline and pristine beaches and waterways, Rhode Island is known for its arts and cultural offerings, family-friendly fun, and some of the best dining in the nation. Jan 27th, 2014

Ocean State Crudo

Crudo, Chef John Kolesar tells us, is the Mediterranean answer to Sashimi. But hold the wasabi and soy sauce, and delve into his mouth-watering preparation using an orange citrus “vinaigrette,” cherry tomatoes, piquillo peppers and Kalamata olives—typical Italian flavors! Jan 24th, 2014

2014 Providence Boat Show Guide

Find show highlights, exhibitor listings, seminar guide, and more!Jan 23rd, 2014

Make Rhode Island Your Boating Home

You may be one of the lucky ones. You and your boat may already live inside the borders of the Ocean State. You have access to stunning coastline; your boat is serviced by Rhode Island’s experienced marine-trades professionals; and to top it off, you’re residing in a state with a no-sales-tax policy on boats and boating services.Jan 1st, 2014