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All Rhode Island & Connecticut Stories

Warm Up To Cold-Water Panfish

Most veteran freshwater anglers are aware that panfish can be caught on a year-round basis. The less experienced, however, often seem surprised to learn that sunfish, perch and crappies will bite even in the coldest months. Feb 4th, 2018


Codfish are the headliners in February, or at least most Long Island, Connecticut and Rhode Island anglers hope so. Feb 3rd, 2018

Effectiveness of Fishing from a Kayak

There is no doubt that the popularity of kayak fishing is on the rise, as many retailers and manufacturers of angling kayaks have observed increased sales in recent years.Feb 1st, 2018

Weathering Winter: Down-Time’s Up-Side

Standing out in my driveway, face frozen nearly immobile, body just starting to sweat beneath a half-dozen layers, I survey my progress over 45 minutes behind the shovel--and feel a familiar twinge. Feb 1st, 2018

Science and the Ugly Truth (Part Two)

by Zach Harvey Editor’s Note: In last month’s Fish Focus, I looked at the way the evolution of our management … Jan 12th, 2018

Keep Moving for Better Ice Fishing

BY TOM SCHLICHTER In decades past, ice fishermen drilled a few holes in a specific area and worked them thoroughly … Jan 4th, 2018

Kayak Fishing for Tog – Tips & Techniques

by Chris Debeer Late season fshing for Tautog from a kayak can be rewarding to say the least. A kayak … Jan 3rd, 2018

Here come the shows! And media planning for a big, big season in 2018…

Just as we are recovering from our turkey day food hangover, here come the Christmas holidays...Jan 3rd, 2018

Here come the shows! And media planning for a big, big season in 2018…

Just as we are recovering from our turkey day food hangover, here come the Christmas holidays. By the time you … Jan 1st, 2018

Progressive Insurance New York Boat Show Cruises into Javits Center January 24-28, 2018

Boat Hop and Shop Hundreds of Boats for Every Budget and Lifestyle and Check out the Newest Innovations at World’s First and Longest-Running Boat Show. Jan 1st, 2018