Happy New Year all! December gave us good fishing during the first half of the month with almost too good weather. Clients were actually perspiring on a few trips as the mercury climbed in the 80s.Brevard EditionDec 27th, 2013
Slot sized black drum and redfish should be searching for an easy meal in the mangrove roots along the shorelines of this body of water. Live shrimp and fiddler crabs are good baits to use for them. Larger black drum can usually be found along the drop offs and deeper flats out in the main lagoon system. captjimrossDec 27th, 2013
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and a safe New Year. The last few weeks have been great near shore and should continue for a little bit till the weather gets colder and chills the water off. Brevard - Chris CameronDec 27th, 2013
Anglers fishing outside of Port Canaveral this month are hoping for a repeat of the conditions, water temperatures, and aggressive tripletail bite that they had in December. captjimrossDec 27th, 2013
Well another year has come to pass. 2013 was a fantastic year for the space coast kayaking scene. Many great local events were held and our Kayaking community is continuing to develop. Several great tournaments have been held in our local watersCapt. AlexDec 27th, 2013
Happy New Year 2014 and welcome to the outstanding surf fishing that the New Year offers on our Space Coast Beaches. This is the time of the year that brings new challenges to the surf angler in the form of cold fronts and northeast winds.Brevard - John DetmerDec 27th, 2013
It’s the time of the year for flounder fishing at Sebastian Inlet. There have been some good fish caught in December, but we have only had a few mild fronts and big numbers of fish haven’t moved through the inlet yet this winter.Brevard - Capt Glyn AustinDec 27th, 2013
Kingfish, sailfish, and wahoo, that’s what we need to talk about! This is the time of year for these fish to be moving around a lot looking for the bait fish in the water. Brevard - Capt Douglas KaskaDec 27th, 2013
Nearshore Canaveral has been pretty good lately, considering the winds and fronts we had coming through its still good. If … Brevard - Chris CameronDec 18th, 2013