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Orca gets up close and personal with fishermen
The killer whale was seen on camera swimming close to a 21-foot boat with five people aboard off the coast …HOBIE WORLDS TOURNAMENT A HUGE SUCCESS
GOLD COAST, Australia (August 1, 2019) – On Friday July 26, 2019, on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, Andrew …Check out these baby flying fish found in a marina
Check out these baby flying fish we found in a marina — BlacktipH (@BlacktipH) April 30, 2019Giant Hammerhead Sharks Hunting Blacktip Sharks
Every year massive hammerhead sharks migrate to the beaches of Florida to hunt and eat 6ft blacktip sharks. The average …Strongest Men VS Strongest Fish
Some of the strongest men in the world to try battle one the strongest fish in the world! I invited …Summer means low dissolved oxygen and high temps in Chesapeake Bay…what’s a fish to do?
We’re in Hot Water! Precautions for Responsible Summer Fishing The dog days of summer are here—but we’re thinking about fish! …Penobscot River Salmon Run Highest Since 2011
After dam removals and fish passage improvements, endangered Atlantic salmon are returning to the Penobscot River in encouraging numbers. 2019’s …Snook in the Carolinas
Fishing buddies Bob Seganti and David Kingsland of Pawleys Island are convinced firsthand there are snook showing up in the waters …Carolina Reel Men wins Islamorada Sailfish Tournament
The 61st Annual Islamorada Sailfish Tournament kicked off at Whale Harbor Restaurants and Marina, hosting 76 anglers, captains, and mates, …Fishing With Legends
Stretching 500 miles across the northern side of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean.Speargun Loading Tips
It’s not uncommon to struggle with speargun loading, you may think they made the bands too short. If you give it time & use the right method, it's easy.Your Franchise Opportunity is a Phone Call Away LEARN MORE