Freshwater Fishing

Browse our collection of freshwater fishing articles, tips and advice from seasoned authors and various stories on the fresh waters.

Latest in Freshwater Fishing

Where To Go For Warm Weather Trout

I personally did not get in enough springtime trout fishing (aka dry fly fishing) this year due to this ill-advised move, so I’m still hankering for more. If you see me over the next few weeks, I’ll likely to be throwing poppers to shoal bass.

Topwater Tactics For Postspawn Largemouths

Let’s face it, there’s nothing more exciting than seeing a lure get smashed on the surface by a big bass. With the shape and size of their mouth, bass are engineered to be topwater predators.

Grandaddy Of All Catfish

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission called it the “grandaddy of all catfish” on its Facebook page. It’s an apt description for a blue cat that outweighs the existing Florida state record by more than 50 pounds. Running his trotlines on the Panhandle’s Choctawhatchee River in April, Joel Singletary must have known he was in for a workout when he pulled up on the 120-pound behemoth.

Bucket List: Thunder Bay, Canada

On their last visit, Gino and Jennifer insisted we travel to their neck of the woods to fish for world record brook trout on Lake Nipigon and Chinook salmon on the Nipigon River. I had never fished Canada, so I decided to give it a try, especially since our hosts are people who know how to catch fish and also appreciate some of the other fine things life has to offer.

Kayaking For River Spotted Bass

Spotted bass are some people’s favorite and other people’s least favorite bass. They were originally native to the Tennessee and Coosa River basins and have been widely introduced to other watersheds across the Southeast.

Take A Kid

By Cory Gurman Bring the Heat School is almost out, and the heat of summer is right around the corner. …

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Rod Actions for Coastal Fishing

Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.

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