Note From the Publisher


We are psyched, again. After months of planning, months of writing and selling ads, weeks spent on distribution and strategy, your REGIONAL edition of Coastal Angler has taken the quantum leap from 50,000 readers (LI, RI, CT, MA) to 70,000 readers with the addition of Coastal Angler Magazine New Jersey (20,000 circulation.) Congrats to Frank and his Jersey team for making this happen!

And we are announcing it here -Coastal Angler Magazines in the Northeast are Proud to be the official media partner of the Third Annual Pabst Blue Ribbon Striped Bass-Bluefish – Fluke Tournament being held in Long Island, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut! Check out their ad in this issue and be sure to go to their website or ours to sign up! With big purses and a great charitable partner- Lions Clubs’ Visually Impaired Fishing Tournaments, you can’t miss this one. The tournament runs from June 1 – September 14 so there is plenty of time to land that prize winning fish. Register today at and get your free swag.

But wait, there’s more.

As the Magazine continues to grow we are expanding our editorial coverage. Our first issue was a great success with strong advertiser support, great feedback from the readers and enthusiastic distribution partners. Starting in June we will be adding a significant editorial talent to our Long Island roster to provide on-the-ground coverage. In fact, he will be writing two features each month, one for our local Long Island readers and one for our regional sleeve that you receive in every issue. These are the pages beyond the local edition, between it and national coverage. These pages are common to every edition in the Northeast, reaching beyond Long Island to those 70,000 readers throughout LI, NJ, RI, CT and MA. And they comprise part of the 600,000 readers nationwide, so stay tuned for the big reveal…..

As we’ve said before, you, our reader, will play a significant role in what comes next. If you have feedback of any kind – good, bad, irate, overjoyed, overwhelmed, underwhelmed or indifferent – please fire away. You make yourself heard by zapping a quick note to us, on  Facebook  or Twitter @CoastalAnglerLI.

If you can’t find a copy of your local Coastal Angler at your favorite watering hole, marina, bait and tackle or sports store let them know and let us know. We’re happy to add them to our distribution list. And best of all – it’s free. Never a charge to you or our distributors!
We are humbled and proud to bring you Coastal Angler Magazine each month, and look forward to hearing from you.

Tight Lines.
Mike and Lisa Danforth
Owners and Publishers
