To Our Readers

O ctober into November signals Fall fishing and the beginning of tautog season. Word has it that the catch is good – especially scup and tog and chefs across Rhode Island are getting out the large pots for tautog chowder. Check out a favorite of ours in this month’s “Sea to Table” feature on Pages 9-10! We wanted to share more good news. There is lots of activity this month at Coastal Angler Magazine. In January 2014 Mike and I will launch a sister CAM publication in Long Island. We will start with a launch distribution of 10,000 but have short term goals to double that, hopefully by summer 2014. Editorially, Zack Harvey will have oversight and contributions. While Zack knows Long Island waters well, we hope to increase his fire power with writers on the ground in Long Island. Let us know if you have any suggestions!

Additionally, I hear from the corporate folks in Florida that 2 new regional markets will be opened up in March, central and southern New Jersey. If my math is right, that will bring the national distribution (including the Bahamas) of Coastal Angler magazines to 600,000! Wow!

This will also give our advertisers powerful new regional and national platforms. We had a meeting with one of our advertisers last week, one whom I consider particularly savvy. He is really excited that by March our regional platform will offer a new, combined circulation of 70,000 with no rate increase! We will now have circulation of 10,000 each in Rhode Island, Connecticut and Long Island, along with 20,000 each in Massachusetts and New Jersey.

As always, all of this news along with fishing reports, Bragboard, and the fish-geist of Zach Harvey is free to you, courtesy of our small but growing band of loyal advertisers who make this all possible. We cherish this group. In addition to providing a powerful platform and wrapping their message in high quality edit with great photography, we are providing advertisers with access to the wisdom and guidance of Bob McGinnis, President of McGinnis Associates and results-oriented advertising guru. He has crafted a webinar which will air for Coastal Angler advertisers and prospects to help you make your dollars count with more effective ads which have real impact. Tell your marketing folks that they should not miss this. Better yet, if you make these decisions for your business, you should carve out the hour to participate. It’s not a sales session to spread the glory of advertising in CAM (that’s our job.) It’s about insight into making the dollars you decide to spend work harder and achieve the results you need.

There is more to come, especially video (Coastal Angler TV? Seriously. It’s in the works.) Please send us your thoughts, comments, raves, suggestions. We are having a blast building this brand for Rhode Island anglers, those who love Rhode Island waters and the businesses which depend on it. We’re looking forward to expanding to Long Island. Contact us directly at to register for the complimentary webinar on results-based advertising or just to share your thoughts.

Remember to grab those free fishing reports as you head out on the water. Find them at

Tight Lines,
Mike and Lisa Danforth
Owners and publishers
