PORT CANVERAL-Pompano, whiting and sheepshead should be a few of the more prevalent species available in the surf zone north … Editorial StaffFeb 4th, 2020 Capt. Jim Ross Snook, tarpon, shark, redfish and more are blowing up on the school of migrating mullet along the … Brevard EditionOct 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross This is the month that is either very good fishing inside the port and along the beaches … Brevard EditionAug 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross July is usually a month of change along the waters outside of Port Canaveral. The blitzing bonito, … Brevard EditionJul 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross May was a fantastic month for fishing around the Port Canaveral area, and June should be just … Brevard EditionJun 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross The beaches come alive this month outside of Port Canaveral. Anglers will have a huge variety of … Brevard EditionMay 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross Port Canaveral will be buzzing with activity this month as anglers run the beaches searching for a … Brevard EditionApr 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross Anglers are looking forward to the rising water tempertures that March will bring. Cobia and tripletail will … Brevard EditionMar 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross We had plenty of cold weather last month and that brought our near-shore waters down to near … Brevard EditionFeb 1st, 2018 Capt. Jim Ross The fishing in January is always hard to predict in and around the Port Canaveral area. This … Brevard EditionJan 1st, 2018