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Tagged Tiger Shark Breaks Distance Record – Still Going!

A tiger shark named “Andy,” tagged in 2014 by the Guy Harvey Research Institute at NSU, has broken the record for distance travelled by a GHRI tagged shark.

Hunting Streams for Fall’s Brown Butter

When the mercury begins to take the plunge and daylight starts to dwindle, big mature brown trout start their yearly routine of procreation.

Whiting… It’s What’s for Dinner

When I first started fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, I researched the necessary tackle and what I might catch and tried to memorize the different species.

Fish & Fishing – The Rod Rut

Fishermen can sometimes fall into the rut of comfort and convenience, with most anglers responding less than enthusiastically to any type of innovation...

Nine Alternative Deceiver Patterns

Lefty describes the Deceiver as a tying method rather than a specific fly pattern. Here are a few “alternative” Deceivers you should think about tying.

Tips for Sight Casting to Reds

Plentiful throughout the Gulf States, the redfish provides a great fly fishing opportunity for all skill levels who want to sight fish shallow clear water.

High Flying Tuna

After a two-hour run into the open Gulf of Mexico, there they were on the horizon. Two shrimp boats marking the spot like an X on a secret treasure map

Big Winter Trout After Harvey & Irma

No doubt Harvey and Irma hit our southern coastline very hard. Communities mobilized immediately to come to the aid of friends, neighbors and strangers.

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Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).

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Dry Tortugas Are a Hidden Jewel

The seven small islands that make up the Dry Tortugas lie 70 miles due west of Key West, a fisherman’s and naturalist’s paradise. These are hidden jewels.

Diving & SpearfishingView More

Under The Sea – Spearfishing Apparel

The popularity of spearfishing in the U.S. has grown, and it has spawned product innovation and improvements not only with spearguns, but with dive apparel.

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That GOAT’s Six Million Dollar Boat!

Lets take a look at Tom Brady's Six Million Dollar Yacht

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