Freshwater Fishing

Browse our collection of freshwater fishing articles, tips and advice from seasoned authors and various stories on the fresh waters.

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Spinnerbaits Are The Anywhere, Anytime Bait

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s been said you can fish a spinnerbait just about everywhere and under any conditions. I believe that to be fact. The following are seven proven patterns for spinnerbaits.

Girl Gone Fishin’: Chase the Spawn

Hands down my favorite time of the year to catch fish is during the spawn.

The Three Phases of a Trout Fisherman’s Life

The smell of hide, tanning chemicals and aging flesh hung around the door of a little taxidermy studio north of Tampa. The blazing heat of a late spring in southwest Florida only made the aroma all the more pungent.

Bass Fishing the Spring Herring Spawn

No one seems to know exactly where they came from, but blueback herring have changed the face of bass and striper fishing over the last decade in reservoirs that have them.


When Carl Lowrance introduced the portable little green box depth finder with the rotating dial in 1957, it stunned the fishing world. By standards of today, it was not very good, not very accurate and gave only minimal information on fish and bottom structure.

What about Water Clarity?

Do you ever think about water clarity? Other than when you pull up to the lake and notice, wow, the water sure is muddy today from all the recent rains.

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Rod Actions for Coastal Fishing

Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.

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