Freshwater Fishing

Browse our collection of freshwater fishing articles, tips and advice from seasoned authors and various stories on the fresh waters.

Latest in Freshwater Fishing

Pending World Record Spotted Bass Caught In California

Keith Bryan said he is still in shock after catching 10.48-pound spotted bass during a pro-am tournament on New Melones Lake in central California on Feb. 22. But it wasn’t until March 10 that Bryan found out he will likely be the holder of a new IGFA world record.

The Myth of Best Fishing Times

For many years, I was in the ranks of most other anglers that thought that the best time to fish was in the early morning or early evening. The bass experts (and there are many) told us that bass only feed twice a day, during those advertised times.

An Adventure to Remember

I have been fishing ever since I can remember. One of my first memories is of me bluegill fishing with my father at a local pond. We crushed the fish that day and since then it has been hard to pry a rod from my hand.

Ice Out Trophy Walleye Tactics

Soon the ice will be melting and open water will be just a boat ramp away. On Lake Erie, this means pre-spawn walleye will be roaming the flats.


Early spring freshwater fishing around most parts—and the parts where I live—is often cold, wet, misty, rainy, even sleety.

You Gotta Try Ice!

I just can't understand why a person who really enjoys fishing would not try ice fishing. Ice fishing provides an opportunity to get some exercise out in the freshest and cleanest air we have all year.

Tips, Advise & GuidesMore Fishing Tips

Rod Actions for Coastal Fishing

Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.

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