Latest in Fishing & Outdoors

A Simple Way To Avoid Getting Hung Up

Sometimes it can be frightening to cast into the heart of a snag or brushpile where the fish are, knowing you might lose whatever you have tied on.

N.Y. Tournament Angler Breaks Own Smallie Records

Bass tournament anglers know that catching a 30-plus-pound five-fish bag of smallmouth bass is an incredible feat. When that sack contains a 9-pound state-record smallie, it’s the stuff of legends.

2023 CCA & Mud Hole Scholarship Winners Announced

Sophomore Year of Scholarship Program Awards Another $6,000 in College Funds

Taxman Takes a $3.5 Million Bite at Big Rock Blue Marlin Tourney

To anglers, sharks are known as “the taxman” because of their penchant for stealing gamefish off the line. The taxman took more than just a snack when it bit off a chunk of a blue marlin during the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament out of Morehead City, N.C. It cost the would-be winning team, Sensation, a more than $3.5-million paycheck.

An Intro To Surf Fishing

There’s no secret weapon or magic to surf fishing, but it’s always a good idea to understand the basics and have a few tips or tricks in your back pocket before you start.

Surf’s Down

We are all familiar with the phrase “surf’s up,” but I get more excited when I hear “surf’s down!”

Connecticut State Record Summer Flounder

Please congratulate Bill Proulx with a new Connecticut state record Summer Flounder. It weighed in at 15.3 pounds, at 32 5/8 inches long with a girth of 26 1/4 inches. It surpasses the previous record caught by Michael Maffucci of 14lb 13.76 oz and 31.5 inches back in 2019. Awesome fish!

Red Grouper To Close in Gulf Federal Waters

NOAA Fisheries has announced a closure to recreational harvest or red grouper in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico will begin on July 21 and continue through the rest of 2023.

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Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).

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Dry Tortugas Are a Hidden Jewel

The seven small islands that make up the Dry Tortugas lie 70 miles due west of Key West, a fisherman’s and naturalist’s paradise. These are hidden jewels.

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Speargun Loading Tips

It’s not uncommon to struggle with speargun loading, you may think they made the bands too short. If you give it time & use the right method, it's easy.

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That GOAT’s Six Million Dollar Boat!

Lets take a look at Tom Brady's Six Million Dollar Yacht

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