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All Rhode Island & Connecticut Stories

Western Sound May 2017

The Western Long Island Sound is starting to warm up nicely; the Ospreys have been here since early April, catching Bunker, and building their nests. Striped Bass are in Little Neck Bay, Manhasset Bay, Eastchester Bay and Hempstead Harbor also feeding on Bunker. May 1st, 2017

If A Striper Falls in the Forest: Standing By to Stand By

I know I'm not the first person to notice that we're losing prime fishable time from our already foreshortened New England seasons. I also know, having discussed this apparent new trend of the last decade or so with numerous folks in seemingly every party of the larger fishing industry, that the underlying causes for this new challenge are numerous and complex. May 1st, 2017

New Product Review: Sea Eagle® FishSUP™ FS126

Stand Up Paddleboard fishing is trending so we eagerly tested Sea Eagle®’s new inflatable FishSUP™ FS126. Sea Eagle calls it super stable. We were super impressed.May 1st, 2017

Connecticut here we come, and it’s take a mom fishing time!

After months of preparation, conversations with distributors, readers, advertisers and other friends, May will bring our roll out of Coastal Angler throughout Connecticut.May 1st, 2017

Now comes the fun part, Here Comes Ben Martin and More Freshwater Coverage!

Zach Harvey and his buzzkill not withstanding (see his fish focus on page 3) the rest of us love this time of year, and yes, we love to prep our gear for the season! But not just prep, this is the season of the awesome used and vintage tackle shows and swaps.Apr 2nd, 2017


The waters of Massapequa Reservoir were crystal clear and slightly rippled as I sent a 1/8-ounce gold Panther Martin Classic spinner out on the first cast of the morning.Mar 28th, 2017


Flounder are being caught by the bushel; reports of many fifty pound Striped Bass being caught in the back of Manhasset Bay on live Bunker, including one cow that went sixty–seven pounds...Mar 28th, 2017


You would think that between the holidays and outdoors show season, I’d have all the gear I could possibly carry, store or hide from loved ones heading into the spring season.Mar 28th, 2017

Captain Buzzkill’s Guide to April Angling

I often joke that if I am indeed a writer, it would be very hard to prove that some days—the days, and there are too many, when I’m not actually chained to my keyboard trying to make something out of nothing.Mar 28th, 2017

Sea to Table: Acadian Redfish Feast

Not to be confused with the popular Cajun dish, blackened redfish (really a red drum), Acadian Redfish is an Ocean State classic.Mar 9th, 2017