Fort Pierce Inshore: May 2019

Thomas Parramore with his first snook and grandpa Capt. Joe Ward. Photo credit: Capt. Joe’s River Charters.

Fort Pierce inshore fishing should be good with summer time getting ready to kick in gear. For trout, you will want to fish early and use a topwater bait or a live bait like a pigfish or a white bait.  For the topwater baits, use a Zara Spook, one of my favorites but, there are many others like a MirrOdine or Chug Bug.

With the live bait, I like to freeline them on a 20-pound fluorocarbon leader and a 5/0 Kahle hook.  Productive places will be Queen’s Cove, Harbor Branch to the north and from Bear Point south to the Midway Road area.  Use the same tactics just before dark too.

There should be a good redfish bite along the docks of both North and South Indian River Dr.  A live shrimp fished on a ⅛- or ¼-ounce Troll-Rite hook with 18- to 20-inches of 30-pound fluorocarbon leader with get the job done.  There is still plenty of time to catch that keeper snook and the action should be good at places like the North Bridge, the Turning Basin and in the Ft. Pierce Inlet.  You will want to use baits like a white bait, pinfish or a pigfish and fish them on the bottom with medium to heavy tackle.

Around the full moon, there should be a good snapper bite.  Try a live shrimp or small white baits and fish the bottom along the channel edges.  I like to use a 1-ounce weight with 24-inches of 20-pound fluorocarbon leader and a #2 long shank hook.  You can also try around the bridges.

Let’s not forget it is time to start looking for tripletail around the channel markers and the crab trap buoys.  I fish a large, live shrimp on a ¼-ounce Troll-Rite hook and a 20- to 30-pound fluorocarbon leader.  They are fun to catch and even better to eat.

Enjoy the start of the summer season.

FORECAST BY: Capt. Joe Ward
Capt. Joe’s River Charters
(772) 201-5770 or (722) 461-1335