Pelican Bay

by Mike Hammond

It’s a location I paddled past several times and driven by hundreds without stopping in to inquire about launching, but when the new owner of Getaway Marina contacted me and said they want to be a paddlecraft friendly marina and offer easy access to Pelican Bay, I got excited.

Located right on Pelican Bay at Hurricane Pass, the Getaway Marina offers access to many great paddling and angling opportunities on the Calusa Blueway.

Follow the blueway markers west for a short distance and you will be led to Bunche Beach and almost three miles of natural beaches, some of the best birding in Florida, and mangrove tunnels.  Depending on the wind and tides, I suggest taking the mangrove tunnels one direction and open water the other.  It can be a little tricky finding the opening to the tunnels though.  Don’t be afraid to ask for directions before launching.

Head east under the Hurricane Pass bridge and you will be in Hurricane Bay and the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve.  Here you can play it relatively safe and paddle around the larger mangrove islands or try to navigate the mangrove maze into Hell Peckney Bay.  I’ve admitted in past articles to getting lost in here.  You may decide to turn south before entering the Hell Peckney maze and head to the Mound House (2.3 miles) for a picnic or tour the grounds.  (Please see our archived October 2018 article about the Mound House.)

You may even decide to circumnavigate San Carlos Island.  It is a three and a half mile paddle with Salty Sam’s Marina (ice cream) and its kayak launch at the halfway point.  I’m sure I can convince my family to paddle around almost any island if an ice cream stop is involved.

Kayak Excursions is located on site with kayaks and SUPS for rent and a variety of tours, including fishing, available.  They are also happy to give directions to the mangrove tunnels.  Paddlers are welcome to launch their own paddlecraft at $5 per vessel.  Marina staff will even help you get your boat to and from the water.  A full bait and tackle shop and floating dock with a handrail system is available for easy launching.

The beach is great.  Just remember there are some wonderful paddling and angling opportunities before you cross the big bridge.