Reel Psychos

Rhode Island Fishing Reports

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Sea to Table

Ocean State Cod

A theme you may have noticed in this monthā€™s issue of Coastal Angler is that August is truly a multi-species month. Fluke was the fish of the moment last month, particularly with the great tournaments going on throughout the Ocean State, and now striped bass seems to be is on the hit parade. But as the savvy angler knows, August is the month of surprises. And to our surprise, we hear that cod, usually fished in fall and winter, are chipping off the Block right now--literally, off the coast of Block Island. Say what? Maybe stripers or summer flounder, but cod?Sep 1st, 2013

Ocean State Fluke

June is the month when fluke season really begins in our Ocean State. While the commercial guys have been bringing in fluke since May, and a few recreational anglers got lucky, ā€œflukingā€ really heats up now. Add the fishapalooza ā€œFluke ā€˜Til Ya Puke,ā€ hosted by Big Game Fishing in South County (more on the tournament throughout this issue) and we are on the verge of calling Fluke Rhode Islandā€™s ā€œfish-of-the-month.ā€ Jul 3rd, 2013

Ocean State Scup by Any Other Nameā€¦

By Lisa Helme and Julia Molino [one_third last=”no”][colored_box color=”red”] Wine Pairings Once again, weā€™ve asked Coastal Angler Magazine Rhode Island … Jun 1st, 2013

Silver Snapper ā€œA Scapeceā€

T his rather simple preparation dates back to the Roman times and was used as a method of preservation. Throughout … Jun 1st, 2013

Do You Have the BLUEFISH Blues?

Many anglers enjoy catching the feisty bluefish, but once the fish is onboard, the ardor cools. Hooks are torn out … May 1st, 2013

Ocean State Sardines

Fresh Grilled SardinesMar 11th, 2013

Ocean State Bouillabaisse

The holidays are over, the decorations stowed for another year, and winter is stretching out dark and cold. We donā€™t know about you, but right about now we could use a bit of sunshine and some warming comfort food--maybe a steaming bowl of Bouillabaisse?Jan 30th, 2013

Ocean State Oysters

by Lisa Helme and Julia Molino While Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast hard, most of Rhode Island’s vast shellfish … Dec 20th, 2012