Saltwater Fishing

Saltwater fishing, catch photos, surf fishing, inshore and offshore – it is all here.

Latest in Saltwater Fishing


Challenge Removes 6,500 Lionfish

The Florida Lionfish Challenge had removed more 6,500 of the fish from Florida waters as of early July. The program, …
Gulf Mutton Snapper Limits Slashed

Gulf Mutton Snapper Limits Slashed

NOAA Fisheries announced a 50 percent reduction of the recreational mutton snapper bag limit for the Gulf of Mexico. The …
Goliath Groupers

Season Of The Goliath Groupers

Fall in Florida… is that even a thing? In south Florida, where two seasons reign supreme, hot and hotter, locals …
Deep Water Fishing

Deeper Water And Stronger Currents

As you and I are looking for comfort during the summer heat, so are the fish. Deeper water and stronger …
Deep Water Fishing

Deeper Water And Stronger Currents

As you and I are looking for comfort during the summer heat, so are the fish. Deep water fishing and …

Hunting Sharks

Most anglers go out of their way to avoid hooking a shark. In their minds, anyone who is actually hunting …

Surf Fishing

Sharks Approach Surfers

Drone footage shows sharks approaching surfers and paddle boarders near the Fort Pierce Inlet in Fort Pierce, Florida. At one point a big shark nearly attacks a smaller shark right next to a surfer.

Fishing Tips, Advice & GuidesMore Tips, Advice & Guides

Core Concepts Make Ice Fishing Easier

Spending hours on a frozen lake isn’t easy, however with several of these tips from Tim Moore, you may find things going much smoother.

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Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).