Latest in Fishing & Outdoors

South Atlantic Mutton Snapper Limit Decreases

In January, NOAA Fisheries announced a decrease in the mutton snapper limit and an increase in the minimum size limit for the South Atlantic Fishery.

The Expanding Role of Electronics in Fishing

All of us “fishheads” want to catch more fish when we are out fishing, and this is the number one reason technology is playing such a big part in the sport.

February Season for Atlantic Sea Bass North of Hatteras?

With stock assessments looking good for black sea bass north of Cape Hatteras, regulators have proposed opening black sea bass for one month this February.

Cold Winter Trout

Even on our heavily stocked waters, trout will not be as aggressive as they are in spring or fall. However, fish still feed—even in the coldest weather.

Rebounding Lake Sturgeon Swim Thousands Of Miles Up The Mississippi

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has a pretty cool story to tell about the lengths lake sturgeon will travel …

Reading And Keeping Track Of The Bottom

Knowing water depths for a certain fish can help. Grouper typically reside in the 70-120ft depths, and it changes with the water temps and the time of year.

Current: When Tide Doesn’t Provide

In early November, my buddy and I set out to fish some shallow flats in our kayaks. The water and air temperatures were near the 80-degree mark in south Texas.

Unplug and Unwind!

This is kind of a confusing title for a fishing related topic. However I feel this is very relevant. Remember the first time you went fishing?

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Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).

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Dry Tortugas Are a Hidden Jewel

The seven small islands that make up the Dry Tortugas lie 70 miles due west of Key West, a fisherman’s and naturalist’s paradise. These are hidden jewels.

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Under The Sea – Speargun Selection

Speargun selection is one of the most hotly debated topics on spearfishing forums. Fortunately, there are many great brands nowadays...

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That GOAT’s Six Million Dollar Boat!

Lets take a look at Tom Brady's Six Million Dollar Yacht

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